Marshall Mabry - Undignified Worshiper of Jesus Christ

Some worship thoughts for followers of Jesus Christ!

God Makes Me Grow!

Stop complaining! If God is good all the time, then your faith joyfully accepts trials as opportunities to grow. God does not want your faith to be stagnant or stale. Jesus said that we are salt of the earth — but if we lose our flavor what good are we? We will be thrown out and trampled under the feet of those we are called to find and save.

To be discarded because you have lost your passion to love people is only natural, but to be trampled because your unwavering faith that the lost can be saved by Jesus Christ is blessed! Blessed indeed!

Matthew 5:13 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.

I waver at times. I feel weak. I am tired. I need a rest from my labor. A vacation from my work. People are hard. They are hypocritical. They lie. They say one thing and do another. They are deceitful. They seek pleasure, more than You. They wished to be served, rather than be servants. O Father! Help me grow to love them. Remind me that they are made in Your image, that they carry Your breath and that I am a sinner too. May I never forget that only Your grace equips me to do good in this world. Thank you, Jesus for already winning the victory in this battle I’m fighting. Amen.

Generosity and Worship

Who can outgive God? In the book of Acts 20:35, Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” But truthfully, we are never more like Jesus than when we selflessly give.

True prosperity lies in giving. It is a continuous process of surrendering everything and recognizing that we don’t truly own anything in this world. Our hearts should be focused on heavenly treasures, built through the good works we accomplish through Him. It is in this understanding that we find His peace and contentment.

But how do we recognize God’s gifts? It starts with a reverent and holy fear of God. This fear helps us distinguish between our own desires and God’s good and perfect gifts. As James 1:17 reminds us, everything good and perfect comes from God above. We must not be misled by the temporary desires of this world but seek the eternal gifts that come from Him.

There are times when the world can distract us with its allure and comfort-seeking. We must remain vigilant, just like the rich young man in Jesus’s parable who couldn’t let go of his possessions to follow Christ. As Matthew 19:21 tells us, if we truly want to be perfect, we must be willing to let go and give generously. Our treasures should be stored in heaven, not on earth.

Ultimately, we cannot enter Christ’s kingdom without giving our lives away. Life itself is a gift from God, and He desires us to invest it wisely. We are called to be faithful and diligent stewards of His blessings, just like in the parable of the talents. When we stand before God one day, may our testimonies be confident, knowing that we have given our all for His kingdom.

Imagine the joy of hearing those words from our Lord: “Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling what was entrusted to you. Now, I will bless you with even greater responsibilities. Let’s celebrate together!” (Matthew 25:21)

True love is generous, it is charitable, and it never fails. Let us embrace the joy of giving. Let us lay down our desires and worldly attachments. Let us invest our lives in God’s kingdom and seek His good and perfect gifts. May we find true prosperity in the act of selfless giving, and may our lives be a testament to His grace and love.

Lord Jesus, Help us to bless You abundantly with Holy-spirit-filled lives giving generously and cheerfully in Your name! Amen.

YouTube Welcome!

Welcome to my new YouTube channel! After 20 years of full-time ministry as a Worship Pastor, Music Minister, and Worship Leader, I am starting a new social media ministry on Youtube. This video welcomes visitors and invites them to become part of this community of believers. I would be thrilled to have you join us as we embark on this exciting journey of sharing uplifting, inspiring music and messages.

As a Christian musician, I have a passion for creating music that speaks to the heart, uplifts the soul, and celebrates the love and grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Whether you are a lifelong Christian or just beginning to explore the faith, I believe this channel is for you.

Here, you will find a variety of musical styles, from contemporary worship to gospel to traditional hymns, all with a fresh and modern twist. The music draws from a wide range of influences, including pop, rock, country, bluegrass, soul, and R&B.

But this channel is not just about music. I also share my personal journey of faith, my struggles and triumphs, and my insights into what it has meant to live a life devoted to Christ. I hope that the music and words will inspire and encourage you to draw closer to God.

So, whether you are here for the music or the message, I am excited to have you join us. Please subscribe to this channel and be the first to know when new content drops. Thank you for considering being part of this community. I look forward to growing together in faith and in music with you.

Sing To Jesus Always

Can a song sing the Name of “Jesus” too much? I believe it’s the song we need to sing every day of our lives. What is this life compared to the eternal life we have because of Jesus? 80 years? 120 years? In the scope of eternity, it’s just a brief moment. Let us always sing to Jesus with all our strength and with thanksgiving in our hearts, minds, and souls.

Nehemiah 10 – “Nehemiah said, Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

Psalm 118:14 – “The LORD is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation.”

Romans 8:38-39 – “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Jesus! The Perfect Christmas Gift

Merry Christmas! Today, Christmas has many different meanings. I hope this song helps remind all of us that Jesus is the only reason for Christmas. May we never miss to thank God for His countless blessings right in front of us everyday. (i.e. Blue skies, sun, moon, stars, mountains, oceans, deserts, air (oxygen), health, food, clothing, and family.)

May God bless you and may this be the best Christmas ever for you and your family!

Merry Christmas! Some Christmas Carols

Christmas 2022 MLM“It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” I love the Christmas season. The world is a little brighter and appears to be less broken. It also seems more aware of the reason for the season – Jesus Christ. This year, I wanted to take a few of my favorite Christmas carols and give them my production perspective. Here they are, I hope you enjoy them. Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel and get updates to my ministry.

May this Christmas season be the best one ever!

Give Me Faith

“What do you mean, ‘If I can?’” Jesus asked. “Anything is possible if a person believes.” The father instantly cried out, “I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!” Mark 9:23-24 (New Living Translation)

It is impossible to please God without faith. Yet, it is He who gives it to us. Our journey through life is made up of our choices. Our will or God’s will, selfishness or selflessness, ambition or surrender. The measure of your faith is seen through the choices you made in life.

I wrote the song “Give Me Faith” to praise God for things He has shown me that truly glorify Him and as a prayer knowing I only have faith when I surrender to His sovereignty over my life. (Psalms 8)

“Because of the privilege and authority God has given me, I give each of you this warning: Don’t think you are better than you really are. Be honest in your evaluation of yourselves, measuring yourselves by the faith God has given us.” (Romans 12:3 New Living Translation)

Jesus! No Greater Name

Every created thing glorifies God the creator. The Earth, the wind, the sky, trees, mountains, rivers, and seas. All animals and everything that has breath praises the Lord — except Man. God gave us free will. Choose His or our own. Obey or disobey. It’s our choice. We can give and perform good deeds or we can be selfish. Still, we can’t take credit for any good thing we do as followers of Christ. If He is in the beginning, in the middle, and glorified in the end result of all our affairs — it was by His amazing grace and the power of the Holy Spirit working through us that makes us shine. Wherever He takes us, the darkest valley, immense cross-burdened suffering, even death – His grace will save us.

This song took 6 months to complete. I never could lock in the verse melody and satisfactory lyrics. I was overthinking most of it. Nonetheless, 32 tracks later I’m happy with the results. I tried mixing complicated rhythms and synth pads with the simplicity of acoustic instruments. The two mandolin tracks, acoustic guitar, fretless bass, and electric guitar tracks put a lot of string melodies into motion. In addition, I layered 12 vocal tracks to push the finale chorus. I recommend listening with headphones. May God bless you for listening.

Thank you, Jesus! Our Savior and King!

I Have Everything

Marriage is a beautiful, holy union between man and woman. It says to the world, “I promise my spouse, myself, and I separate my body, my intimate love, and the whole of my life to be shared with them alone.” For the Christian, it boldly states, “We believe that in this life we can glorify God better together!” This is the love I have for my wife. Over the many years of marriage, we have had our hills and valleys, our “for better and for worse” moments. But by God’s grace, we’ve made it this far. I love her now more than ever. She is more beautiful to me. And I feel more blessed and unworthy to call he my wife.

Over the years, I have written many songs dedicated to her. This song, “I Have Everything” is my latest inspired by her love and dedication to me and our marriage. To artistically try something different, I tried to capture a 1960/70’s soulful feel.

Thank you, Jesus, for the gift of my wife. May we always know that Your love is in the center of ours, and surrounding us the rest of our days, Amen!


I wrote this song as a student in Ryan Tedders’ Monthly Class. It started with just the guitar loop at the beginning and evolved into this song production under Ryan’s class instruction.

All of us need to change every day, a refreshing, spiritual revival. It will make the world a better place. Sadly, some of us get stuck in daily routines. They lead to addictions and Einstein’s definition of insanity. You can’t expect something new by repeating the same habits every day.

We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Through faith, Jesus can break every addiction and give us victory over our mundane routines. Jesus Christ is the only way!

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